Category Archives for Fitness

Can I be a personal trainer with a criminal record in Australia?

Keeping fit has become a major concern for many Australians, young or not so young, and gyms all over the country are seeing a steady increase in membership applications. Personal trainers are in high demand, which makes many fitness enthusiasts wonder what it takes to become one. Can you become a personal trainer if I […]

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How Yoga Can Improve Your Health and Lifestyle

Yoga is a type of exercise that most people don’t understand. It looks like a simple form of stretch that is only for elderlies. However, it’s one of the best routines anyone can follow. Whether you are old or young, there is a lot you can gain from yoga.  It’s also not very difficult to […]

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A Guide to Build a DIY Garage or Home Gym

Creating your very own gym is all about combining the stress and adrenaline rush of your workout with the comfortable and cozy environment of your home. With 2020 having just begun, millions of people have resolved to turn their bellies into abs and to finally get that summer body they’ve been dreaming of. But not […]

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Women At Home: Full Body Exercise To Include In Your Routine

Have you resolved at the beginning of a new year to start going to the gym and not end up doing it? If yes, don’t worry; there are millions of other people like you. Research strongly indicates that gym memberships rise dramatically in January and take a downhill path just the next month. The trend […]

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10 Best and Proven Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Want to burn fat and shed off those extra pounds fast? While proper exercise seems to be the most obvious choice for a lot of people wanting to start on their weight loss journey, there are also other ways to make this happen. From preparing and eating a healthy diet to specialized weight training and […]

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5 Everyday Habits Hurting Your Spine

\ We don’t realize that our day-to-day choices can HELP or HURT our spines, ultimately leading to a healthier life-or-neck pain/back pain and headaches.  These are 5 SIMPLE habits that contribute to spinal issues that we often see in our Miami chiropractic clinic. 5. NOT Drinking Water We bet you didn’t think drinking water had […]

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Important Workout Tips for Beginner New Fitness Loves

begineer workout

Starting a fitness journey is not as hard. But when you don’t know what path to follow things can get out of hand. Different goals require different workouts and diet to be followed. But don’t be worried because this article will more likely answer all your questions. If you have finally decided to ride the […]

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Learn How To Kick Ass And Keep Yourself Fit At The Same Time With Martial Arts

Different surveys and studies around the globe conduct that 50% or more people overall are overweight while many are underweight. The idea of doing martial arts for keeping yourself fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle is not easy to digest for many, even in this era. Because the perception in people’s minds is wrong. The […]

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Fast and Effective Ways To Burn Fat

burn fat

The most common reason why most of us join health programs, gyms, and even martial arts is to lose weight. After that getting in great shape and tone the body. Of course, looking great and getting a toned beach body is one of the obvious reasons and outcomes. There is only one way you can […]

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Simple and Effective Tips to Amp Up Your Fitness

Simple and Effective Tips to Amp Up Your Fitness Those days when workout felt good and you were motivated soon get over after starting the workout routine. After that the workouts and going to the gym just become a routine. This often causes motivational loss. But today things are going to change. Here are some […]

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Your Ultimate Back Workout

When you look at yourself in the mirror, you’re only seeing one side of yourself. And unfortunately, this perspective tends to translate into the gym. We only work one side or one muscle group. We forget that for each muscle group, there is an opposing group.  Can you guess what the most neglected muscles are? […]

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Raw Nutrition Plan: How Unprocessed Foods Can Boost Academic & Work Performance

Processed food vs un processed food

With the rise of eco-awareness, raw, plant-based and generally healthier diets have been gaining popularity among the general public. But changing such a significant aspect of life as nutrition might seem intimidating.  In the quest for improved productivity, we have prepared a guide on how to steer your lifestyle to a healthier path.  source: […]

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