Category Archives for Fitness

7 Benefits of Exercise in Addiction Recovery

When you are looking to maintain your recovery from addiction, exercise may not be at the top of your list of necessary activities. While there may not be an apparent connection between physical fitness and recovery, the is an interrelatedness between the health of our mind and the health of our body. In recovery, your […]

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The Benefits of Cycling Outdoors Instead of in a Gym

When it comes to working out, gyms provide you with a very well-rounded environment to get exercise. So much so that if you wanted to avoid exercising outdoors completely, you could easily do so. With fitness equipment such as treadmills and exercise bikes, you can comfortably perform most outdoor exercises indoors.  For athletes, this type […]

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Optimal Women’s Workout Guide

Your fitness-savvy friends may have told you to “just start working out.” But it’s a piece of advice that is more easily said than followed. Before you can regularly hit the gym, the pool or whatever location you choose for your workouts, you’re going to need some powerful motivation. And once you choose an activity, […]

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8 benefits of exercise for seniors

seniors exercise

We all know that exercise in general is a healthy habit. For seniors, the health benefits of exercise become even more important.  Because seniors are prone to so many serious medical conditions, exercise is a great way to both manage and prevent some of the most common issues seniors experience with their health. Here are […]

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Best Exercises for Varicose Veins

Courtesy of North Shore Vascular

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Is CBD a Superfood?

The word “superfood” refers to the nutritional value that certain foods boast. Superfoods contain incomparable quantities of minerals, vitamins, and other nutritional elements. These superfoods are not so hard to come by, from kale to avocado to turmeric, and many people have been consuming them without even realizing it.  What Exactly Is a Superfood? While […]

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7 Highly Effective Ways to Relieve Stress & Anxiety

These days almost everyone is affected by some form of stress at one time or another, but for some people, stress is a more serious problem. Constant stress and mental pressure are unhealthy for our minds and bodies. Stress leads to a number of more serious problems like heart disease, diabetes, insomnia and hypertension. Stress […]

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Tips For Exercising During Your Period And How Menstrual Cup Makes It Easier

Exercise during periods

Are you on your goal to lose weight then suddenly it is your period? If you are, then there is nothing to worry about. No skipping of exercise anymore! You can still focus on your workout and diet plan even during your period. I know it is so difficult to move your body during this […]

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Natural Ways to Deal with Insomnia

Insomnia has spread throughout humanity like a contagious disease. Studies show that one in every four people suffers from sleep deprivation. Today’s so-called “modern diseases” are all linked to one another. Anxiety issues, insomnia issues, stress and depression are all a result of the busy and hectic modern-day lifestyle. As the modern lifestyle imposes, people […]

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Posture Braces Designed For Alleviating Various Issues

When you start searching for the posture braces, you can find them in various sizes, shapes and designs. The manufacturers have created these braces with various features. They know that the users look for these posture braces for different reasons. Some users have issues on their shoulders, while others have problem with their backbone or […]

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How to Build Calf Muscles

Building calf muscles is important to many people for either athletic aspirations or body image. If calf muscles are underdeveloped, they can make legs look unduly thin and small. Weak calf muscles also limit athletic prowess. Calf muscles are necessary for jumping, running, dancing, and more. Without sufficiently strong calf muscles, athletes will find that […]

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Tips And Tricks To Managing Ovarian Cysts

If you think you can prevent ovarian cysts from existing, then think again. Ovarian cysts are sacks filled with fluid that swell on a woman’s ovary usually when the ovary releases a mature egg cell called ovum during ovulation. Many women may have developed ovarian cysts at some point in their lives, but they are […]

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