Natural Ways to Deal with Insomnia

Treat insomnia

Insomnia has spread throughout humanity like a contagious disease. Studies show that one in every four people suffers from sleep deprivation. Today’s so-called “modern diseases” are all linked to one another. Anxiety issues, insomnia issues, stress and depression are all a result of the busy and hectic modern-day lifestyle.

As the modern lifestyle imposes, people are becoming busier than ever and very often they are trading their sleeping time for working time. This very often results in long term problems with sleeping. Studies show that even young teens are among those who suffer from insomnia. Well, the world has become one very amusing place to be and with all the fun it provides it’s not easy for anyone to choose to fall asleep rather than stay awake.

The artificial environment people have made for themselves interferes with their natural biological cycle. All the screens and artificial brightness we are constantly exposed to, while lacking the natural need for sunlight confuses our senses and disrupts our natural sleeping pattern.

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What is Insomnia

Insomnia, in fact, is a word used to describe many different sleeping problems. Every person has at least once in their lifetime experienced such problem due to different factors.

Short term insomnia usually happens as a result of stress caused by recent life-changes; changes in routine caused by a new work schedule, new job, changes in the living environment. Short term insomnia may sometimes be a symptom of a current health problem or a side effect of medication therapy. Even though it might be very irritating, it is a problem that can be solved quickly and with natural remedies and healthy habits. It’s up to every person to find the best way to deal with the problem.

Long term insomnia is a much more serious problem. It usually happens as a result of more serious conditions such as anxiety, sleep apnea, depression and chronic illnesses. However, nowadays more recently is a result of poor life habits, such as poor eating habits (sugars, processed food stimulants, etc.), exposure to screens, bad sleeping environment, lack of exercise and fresh air.

Are you experiencing Insomnia?

Insomnia may be experienced in several different forms:

·         Difficulties falling asleep until it’s time to wake up, resulting in complete lack of sleep.

·         Disrupted sleeping with recent waking ups throughout the night, results in tiredness.

·         Early awakening after sleeping for only 3-4 hours, results in sleepiness during the day.

·         Non-restful sleep, leaving you with the feeling as you haven’t slept at all.

A person needs at least 7 hours of quality sleep to feel rested, energized and maintain good health. Quality sleep is also a very important factor in beating any kind of disease or health issue.

Natural ways to deal with Insomnia

For completely resolving the issue of a short-term insomnia or reducing the symptoms of the long term sleeping problems, first of all you need discipline and strict schedule.

  1. Incorporate strict sleeping schedule

Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up in a particular time in the morning, will help you improve your sleeping hygiene. This is crucial for re-establishing a good sleeping balance. Moreover, human’s natural cycle requires falling asleep at least one hour before midnight for the body and the heart to be fully rested.

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  1. Improve your sleeping environment

Sleeping in a comfortable bed and having great support from an anatomic pillow may resolve all your sleeping issues. People sometimes do not realize how important it is to have a properly supported head and aligned the spine while sleeping. A healthy sleep posture will provide great comfort and sound sleep. Investing in a new quality mattress and pillow means investing in your overall well-being and health. Moreover, consider using a weighted blanket for fast and efficient results in reducing insomnia issues.

It is advisable to sleep in a completely dark and quiet room. Lights can easily disturb and irritate people who experience difficulties falling asleep. However, make sure to get rid of any screens in your bedroom and leave all your gadgets outside the sleeping room.

3. Practice relaxation Techniques before Bedtime

Consider finishing all your chores, planning and work at least 2 hours before the planned bedtime. Leave your pc and phone on silent and out of reach. Try to ease your mind by practicing some of the techniques known to be efficient in relaxation and in regaining positive attitude. Deep breathing, meditation, guided imagery, progressive relaxation can all be very beneficial in fighting insomnia and stress release.

For beginners, it can be difficult to focus and succeed in the practice, however, with time it becomes easier. Guided deep breathing may be the most convenient for a smooth transition into a sleeping state. Many free apps and youtube videos will help you learn how to relax while controlling your breathing and thoughts.

Practising such techniques will help you achieve good confidence and take greater control over your life. Moreover, it will assist you in finding a good balance and establishing healthy and strong new habits.  

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